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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Mindful eating

Today marks Day 6 in my effort towards "mindful eating". What do I mean by "mindful eating"? Well, for me, I tend to eat sporadically throughout the day without giving much thought to what, when or why I'm eating, sometimes even IF I'm eating. My husband works second shift, so from about noon onwards I'm on my own... nibbling here and there, particularly while watching TV mid-afternoon and then later on in the evenings. So, about a week ago, I decided that enough was enough! From that day onward, I have been consciously thinking about every bite I take. It's not so much about going on a diet, as we all know those don't work long term. It's more about a gradual shift away from processed, fat-laden foods towards more natural foods - more fruit, veggies, whole grains. Whole almonds have become my latest 'munchie food'... eating just four or five give me the crunch factor I crave. Now, for someone who bakes as a livelihood, cutting back on sugar, refined flours and all the good stuff like chocolate and caramel is not going to be an easy task. But the way I see it, EVERYTHING is okay, IN MODERATION, as long as I remember to stay 'mindful'.

Oh, and by the way... six days in... 4 pounds lost! YAY me! :D

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